American Hype is a publication which is being circulated on the internet and may become printed. Our premier issue is was launched 11/2004. The link distribution is to agencies, promoters, record labels, designers, and more. Website advertising available. Print advertising prices are listed below. Advertising prices are for full color ad online for an entire year!

As you can see, we do not have a link section. Anyone promoted on this site is an advertiser or a part of our network.

Ad space may include coupons, special offers, and/or discounts. Advertising rates are as follows, along with sample and template:

American Hype Advertising Specifications:

+ C L A S S I F I E D S +
*Punctuation is not included in word count.
Classifieds (name, website, email, address, phone number, brief description - 10 words, thumbnail) 
+ Example +
Some Model,,, 1234 Some Street, Some City, State Zip, 888-555-5555. Talented Model / Actress based specializing in fashion, runway, and commercial. 
+ + + + + + + + +  
Classifieds (name, website, email, address, phone number, thumbnail) 
+ Example +
Some Business,,, 1234 Some Street, Some City, State Zip, 888-555-5555. 
+ + + + + + + + +  
Classifieds (name, website, email, address, phone number, brief description - 10 words) 
+ Example +
Some Person,,, 1234 Some Street, Some City, State Zip, 888-555-5555. Offering design, clerical, whatever, something else, and other spectacular services. 
no thumbnail
+ + + + + + + + +  
Classifieds (name, website, email, address, phone number) 
+ Example +
Some Artist,,, 1234 Some Street, Some City, State Zip, 888-555-5555. 
no thumbnail

Accepted formats include: Adobe PhotoShop ".psd" , Corel Draw ".cdr" or ".jpg" Must be 300 dpi.

Features will be selected by our advertisers, as well as those who, not only have a talent, but also involve themselves with the community. Participants will be required to furnish Publication with a biography, resume, and be able to prove their involvement with the community. Anyone may submit articles or interviews to be considered for publication. All work submitted must accompany proof of copyright.

Advertisers may submit a feature of themselves or an employee they would like to showcase, and may split advertising a full page ad with another company. Finding an ad share is the sole responsiblity of the advertiser.

Models, artists, designers, and all other participants may have their composite card, or other, featured and may solicit a sponsor to cover the costs of advertising. Example: a model may elect to find a sponsor such as a restaurant to cover advertising costs and also to cross advertise the restaurant.

To become part of our staff or assist us with events, please email us, specifying what services you offer and how you may assist us.

Contact us for advertising agreement.