TECHNOLOGY ARight STor uses computerized bar
code tracking and inventory systems to ensure fast, efficient, and accurate
initial record setup, retrieval, and re-filing. Customers have the option for
bar-coding each box, file, tape, or piece of paper, thereby keeping a complete
inventory/activity history to the detail you require. ARight STor can then provide you with a history report for
each file or box, according to the level of detail you require. For all transactions (retrieval,
re-file, delivery, pickup, destruction, and auditing). ARight employees scan each item's
barcode creating an electronic transaction log into our system database
indicating the time, date, item, location, activity and employee who performed
the transaction. This ensures your
records are well tracked and protected during its ARight STor shelf life. T: 626-827-2188 F: 626-226-4059 |
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