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Vocabulary Level 2

User: College, advanced degree/graduates, and professionals

Building on the progress from Level 1, this edition takes your English vocabulary and comprehension skills to the next level. Studies have proven that a strong command of the English language is directly lined to career
advancement, the money you make, and even social success.

To move ahead in your career, your vocabulary level should equal the average level of the members of your profession. To excel, your vocabulary must surpass that of your colleagues. This program helps you achieve that goal by applying 15-20 minutes each day.

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•Build a stronger vocabulary base from Level 1

•Become a more confident speaker and writer

•Communicate more effectively and to-the-point

•Make a strong impression on your colleagues, employees, clients & customers, vendors, partners

Program Contents

(This program is completely in English. Not recommended for beginning English speakers.) 8 Audio CDs that are one-hour each.

Learn 1000s of new words, each pronounced, spelled, defined, and used in a sentence.

Stories and scenarios that help you remember words A proven self-teaching and evaluation method so you can review and test your progress.

A comprehensive booklet listing every word and definition.

Sample Tracks: Listen to sample tracks from the Level 2 program
[Track 1][Track 2][Track 3]
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