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Spelling Program

User: High school, college, advanced degree/graduates, and professionals

Practice your spelling 10 minutes a day and stop relying on spell checker. It's embarrasing to make a spelling mistake in a professional environments where hand-written notes are commonly used. Spelling errors are perceived--rightly or wrongly--as sloppy thinking or carelessness. In a professional environment, those perceptions may keep you from advancement and important opportunities



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•Overcome spelling fears, and learn new strategies for spelling any word

•Avoid perception of carelessness and sloppiness in common correspondence to
your colleagues, employees, clients & customers, vendors, partners

Program Contents:

(This program is completely in English. Not recommended for beginning English speakers.)

1 audio CD

Six (6) strategies for mastering spelling

Examples, sentence usage, and elaboration fills every chapter

Review hundreds of the most misspelled word, and how they are commonly mispelled

Proven self-teaching and evaluation method so you test your own progress.
Workbook with examples

Sample Tracks: Listen to sample tracks from the grammar program
[Track 1]
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